[KJ] Welcome to Dubai, Vincenzo! We’ve come to know Pomellato as such an Italian brand rich in heritage, tell us more about your two decades of experience as Creative Director of the brand.

[VC] Thank you, Dubai is an amazing city! Well, no need to say that it’s an important achievement for me. My approach is very respectful of Pomellato’s heritage and DNA. I’ve had the opportunity to add depth to Pomellato’s exclusive style and at the same time I could express my creativity while respecting the brand’s heritage.

[KJ] We know that Milan is big source of inspiration for you, where else do you get your inspiration from? And how does it translate into the creative process?

[VC] For sure art, design, nature and our archives are always important and recurring sources but it’s true that you can find inspiration everywhere as a mood, an atmosphere, a relation with people and things around you can be able to ignite your creativity. Creativity is deeply connected to inspiration and to an open-minded approach.

Overall, I would say that inspiration is something very unpredictable that belongs to the present. You can never plan it, it arrives in a blink of an eye, other times it gives you hidden signs which are harder to decipher. There are no rules and you always have to be in constant relation with it in order to create a deep dialogue with the brand’s DNA and yourself. My team, as well as our atelier, are fundamental to the creative process. From research to the evolution of the first ideas, it is also through teamwork that the creative flow emerges.

[KJ] What are your most in demand collections /pieces?

[VC] Gold and color are defining traits of Pomellato so I would say [our most popular collections are] Iconica and Nudo.

Iconica is the first collection that I designed and created as the Creative Director of the brand. The collection embodies our love for sensual volumes, for roundness; it talks about the opulence of the Pomellato style and witnesses our passion for chains with irregular rhythms. I think it best captures our spirit, rooted in the Milanese’s goldsmith tradition.

Nudo, which means naked in Italian, is our must-have! Nudo is color, transparency and light. It’s a very simple idea, perfectly executed. Born out of a daring creative intuition of transforming the solitaire into a passepartout ring, ironic and elegant, shifting the attention and the leading role from the diamond to the colored gemstone. Its construction – thanks to a minimal setting – allows the stone to emerge “naked” in all its beauty.

[KJ] How has the brand and collections evolved during your time at Pomellato?

[VC] I have tried to explore new territories by giving interpretations and evolutions to the brand while remaining consistent and maintaining our unmistakable style. It was like using brand’s calligraphy to write new stories.

[KJ] How important is the Middle Eastern customer when it comes to your designs and materials that you choose to use?

[VC] When we work on new creations, rather than a particular woman, we prefer to visualize “occasions”, ways of wearing our jewelry. At the end of the day, the mission of every Pomellato piece of jewelry is to offer an object of beauty for self-expression, in everyday life. That is why it is so nice to see it worn by women all over the world, and seeing it on women in Dubai was exciting for me – and definitely a source of pride.

[KJ] Tell us more about your latest launch, Pom Pom Dot? What makes this collection unique?

[VC] When creating this collection, I was looking for something that could express the Pomellato style intended for a more minimal taste, with an unmistakable stylistic mark and with a link to our past. Looking through the house’s archives, a buttoned-shape gold necklace from 1974 caught my eye and it was the perfect starting point for something that could be expressed in a piece of jewelry to be worn every day.

We came up with the idea of creating a double-sided button to add playfulness to the original button. The button design is inspiring in its simplicity, it’s effortlessly chic and able to convey many messages and personal meaning. For me the button also has a cute, tender aspect because when you happen to find a button, instinctively you keep it with you, you save it because you think it might be useful. Pomellato loves to transform these gentle gestures into precious little masterpieces.

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